As the capital city of China, there are many things to do besides site-seeing in Beijing. As a setting for international events and local festivals, Beijing has a lot to offer.
Chinese New Year, Jan-Mar, throughout the city
Beijing Longqing Gorge Ice and Snow Festival Jan 2009 (annual), Longqing GorgeCost:Free
International Women’s Day, 8 Mar, throughout the city
Beijing International Kite Festival, Apr, various venues
“Meet in Beijing” Arts Festival, Apr/May, various venues
International Labour Day, 1 May, throughout the city
Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party, 1 Jul, throughout the city
Anniversary of Founding of People’s Liberation Army, 1 Aug, throughout the city
China Open Tennis Tournament, mid-Sep for two weeks, Beijing Centre
Beijing Pop Festival, mid Sep, an annual weekend of international and Chinese pop and rock acts at Chaoyang Park
Mid-Autumn Festival, late Sep, throughout the city
National Day, 1 Oct, throughout the city
Beijing International Music Festival, Oct, varied programme of musical events and concerts throughout the city
Beijing International Marathon, mid-Oct, city centre (Website:
Beijing Fashion Week, mid-Nov, throughout the city