Located at the foot of Taipu Hill, 4 km north of Lhasa, Sera Monastery is one of the three most famous monasteries in Lhasa, the other two are Jokhang Temple and Drepung Monastery.
It was founded in 1419 by Jamchen Choje, one of the eight disciples of Tsongkhapa, the founder of Gelugpa Sect. Its main buildings are the Coqen Hall, Zhacang (college) and Kamcun (dormitory)
Don’t miss watching the monks debate (3pm-5pm not Sundays)with each other in a large courtyard. They emphasize their debate points with heavy foot stomping and loud claps of the hands. This highly animated debating method is part of the time-honored monastic educational system.
6 Day Beijing Lhasa Train Tour train from Beijing to Lhasa and back to Beijing by flight
9 Day Grand Tibet & from Beijing by train visit Lhasa and other Tibet areas
15 Day Beijing Tibet and Yangtze River Cruise Tour